10' x 18' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Open Gable and Rustic Slate Asphalt Shingles.
20' x 40' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown in White Vinyl with Rustic Black Asphalt Shingles, Closed Gables, and 6" Square Vinyl Columns.
10' x 14' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown in Vinyl Finished Ceiling, Virginia Slate Asphalt Shingles, Open Gable, and 8ft Standard Posts.
16’ x 16’ Vinyl Gable Ramada shown in Standard White Vinyl with Virginia Slate Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Finished Ceiling, Solar Shades on Long Side, and a Vinyl Siding Closed Gable. Custom "Welcome" fixture, mini bar, and stonework with TV supplied by customer.
12' x 16' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown in White Vinyl with Vinyl Finished Ceiling, Rustic Black Asphalt Shingles, Solid Wall on 1 Long Side, Open Gable, and 8' Standard Posts.
12' x 12' Almond Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Open Gable, Red Metal Roof, Cupola, and Treated Pine Deck.
8' x 12' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Clay Vinyl, Cedar Shingles, and Vinyl Gable Siding.
10' x 14' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Black Vinyl, Rustic Black Asphalt Shingles, and Solid Half Wall w/ Lattice.
Vinyl Open gable shown with White Vinyl and Aged Redwood Asphalt Shingles.
12' x 14' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Open Gable, Cedar Shingles, Cupola, 10" Posts, and No Deck.
10' x 20' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Open Gable, Cupola, 36" Post Trim, Treated Pine Deck, and Earth Green Rubber Slate Shingles.
14' x 18' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Open Gable, Cupola, Blue Metal Roof, 10" Round Posts, and Treated Pine Deck.
20' x 28' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Open Gable, Cedar Shingles, Cupola, and Cedar Composite Deck.
10' x 20' Vinyl Gable Ramada shown with Open Gable, Cupola, 36" Post Trim, No Deck, and Earth Green Rubber Slate Shingles.